A course that changed our director's life.

Listen to Simone, director of OTT.university on how and why this course was created and how he had such a profound transformation after coaching with Rishad

You will be taken on a journey of self-mastery and self-discovery that will uncover your greatest passions and ignite in you a fire that will make you unstoppable and invincible.

I will show you how to regain control over your most limiting beliefs. You will learn how to transcend limiting beliefs such as anger, guilt, shame and procrastination.

By understanding that your current thought processes and beliefs which are based on your past conditioning are holding you back from creating the reality you always dreamed of.

When you overcome emotions that limit you, you will realize that you can live a life of infinite abundance, unbounded joy and freedom.

Most people know they can be extraordinary, but they don't know how to achieve their goals.

I show you how your perception of reality is not a true perception. By showing you how the subconscious mind functions, you will learn how to optimize your thoughts and perceptions to become extraordinary. 90% of the world does not know how to do this or does not have the time to discover these secrets.

By teaching you how to live in the present moment, you will extend the amount of time you spend with those whom you love. You will be effectively extending your life-span by living more of life.

Do you realize that most goal-setting methods are flawed? Most people don't know why they want a particular thing. They live in a state of perpetual lack, hoping that once they acquire this "thing", they will be complete. In reality, satisfaction is never attained from achieving a goal. It is achieved by achieving a specific state of mind. I teach you how to identify what you want, how to create an attainable goal, and how to get it using secrets i have mastered from my years of research into the quantum Universe.

Most moments of our day are spent in our minds, rather than in our environment. We miss out on so much of life's simple pleasures because we are taught that joy lies in achievement, rather than in the present moment. I give you powerful tools and techniques for empowering your present moment and how to change your state of being to be in perpetual joy and feeling complete. Your ultimate state of being should be living in wholeness and oneness with everything and everyone around you.



Living a fulfilling and enriching life


Pursuing your goals in a clear and objective manner.


Enhance your relationship with yourself and your creator and truly know yourself


Enhance relationships with your family and siblings and children

Friends network

Thrive in your social environment


Enhance your health and Vitality. 

Who will you be after you take the course?

  1. Live Free, with Joy and Purpose
  2. You will live in the flow and attract all you want.
  3. You will overcome obstacles with ease and awareness.
  4. You will no longer be held back by fear but by fullness and joy with love.

How Will You Benefit?

  1. You will be taken on a journey of self-mastery and self-discovery that will uncover your greatest passions and ignite in you a fire that is raging inside waiting to illuminate your life and those around you.
  2. We will take you on a journey to see an entirely new perspective on your career, your business, your family relationships, your spirituality, your children, your loved ones and your inherent genius. You will create thoughts which will become magnets attracting everything you desire
  3. You will be shown how to feel the unlimited and infinite possibilities which exist in your world. You will discover how to draw energy and inspiration from a parallel universe available in your brain which is lying dormant inside of you.
  4. You will discover how to become free in every sense of the word. Engaging in every moment, everything and everyone. You will understand how to feel a river of joy emanating from deep within you that has been yearning to be noticed and discovered.
  5. You become invincible, fearless, confident, wealthy, complete, recognised and spiritually fulfilled.
  6. You will discover your resilience, power, beauty, fearlessness, strength and leadership qualities. You will become an incredible communicator and a master networker.
  7. You will discover the Super-Hero you were born to be, and you will inspire others to become Super-Heroes just like you have become.

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  1 - Introduction: Understanding who and what you are
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2 - Time
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3 - Self-limiting beliefs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4 - How to manifest your goals using secrets from the quantum universe
Available in days
days after you enroll
  5 - Manifest the relationship of your dreams using quantum law secrets
Available in days
days after you enroll
  6 - Exercises
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wrap up
Available in days
days after you enroll

What do other clients say about it?

Cemca Çakmak

Rishad Ahmed is an amazing mentor with many years of experience and wisdom. Rishad always knew what was best for me and always guided me to the right direction and he was right.

With his authentic and genuine personality, it is always a pleasure to have him on my side.

I personally recommend Rishad to any individual or firm for clarity and one step closer to destination.

Abdallah Dutton

I went on a four day coaching journey with Rishad that I can only explain through the metaphor of a symphony. The first three days unravelled unique themes that all came together, culminating in a major breakthrough on our last day together. Rishad was instrumental in helping me reach my breakthrough and I highly recommend contacting him to help you reach yours.

Carla Stafford

Rishad Ahmed is an exceptional life coach, mentor and leader. His magnetic personality is contagious. He is knowledgeable, inspiring and motivating.

He is an excellent listener and observer, almost zen like in his approach to tailoring to your individual needs.

The meditations he shares and advises will energize you to go beyond your core beliefs and maximize to reach your full potential.

His feedback is easy to receive, leaving one wanting more.

He is more than a mentor. I cannot say enough about Rishad and how blessed my life has been working with him.

I highly recommend Rishad as a life coach, mentor, leader and friend. Your life will be changed.

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Rishad Ahmed

About Rishad

Rishad Ahmed brings a wealth of life experience and coaching experience to you. He has coached and mentored thousands of people across 5 continents on how to live a fulfilled life. He has been an instructor, mentor and coach to highly successful people and experts in a variety of fields. He has traveled worldwide and has spent many years with spiritual masters, mentors and personal development experts and has perfected his craft, firstly on himself and then to thousands of others around him. He is a successful entrepreneur, published author, keynote speaker, loving father and husband.